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Polar Bears Finally Listed - However, Remain Threatened


The US Department of Fish and Wildlife has listed the polar bear as a threatened species on the ESA (Endangered Species Act). Even though this wonderful creature has been placed under this act which gives it important new protection, there are still people that are determined to drill for oil in the Arctic. This is one of our last pristine habitats for many animals that are already endangered because of habitat loss due to global warming. If the government does make a decision to drill this could be the last of our polar bears. Remember experts estimate that two-thirds of the bear's habitat.have already been lost with the climate change. The act of drilling for oil would be too much for these animals to survive.

Congress thinks that drilling in the Arctic National Refuge will lower gas prices. By drilling they will only harm these animals and the environment. Even if they did drill it would only reach its peak by 2030, only lowering gas prices by about two cents per gallon. That isn't worth loosing the national refuge and the animals that call it home. There is only an estimated 50 billion barrels of oil in the Refuge and at current consumption this would only last a little over a year. This plan to drill doesn't make sense. It would be putting more into it than they would get out of it. It is a limited resource and the only true solution is to find a new resource. If we can put a man on the moon, don't  you believe that we can find a better and healthier option.

Please help Beholdance and encourage your Congress members and Representatives to research an alternative for our energy issues. Urge them not to disturb one of our last pristine habitats. Remind them drilling will not just affect the polar bear but also the seals, foxes, birds, fish, wolves and whales. That affects others that depend on that life chain, including us. It is a much larger issue and we have to take a long term view and find a solution that will benefit the entire planet.

We can create new cars, planes and other things that are powered differently but we do not have the power to create the bears, birds, whales and habitat drilling will compromise. Just look at the spill on the Mississippi and the damage. It is just not a healthy solution.


Please contact the following decision makers via our site by selecting the 'Take Action' button  or by writing them directly at the following:

Regarding Protecting the Arctic National Refuge Permanently:
The Bush Administration  

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“Thoughts lead on to purpose,
purpose leads on to actions,
actions form habits,
habits decide character, and
character fixes our destiny” 
~Tryon Edwards  

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